We provide Residential and Commercial Real Estate photography services in Southwest Florida and Beyond.
We create compelling visual images presenting their properties in its best possible lights, angles and compositions that help to sell, rent, advertise or market Commercial properties and Residential Real Estate to Realtors, Brokers, Homeowners, Commercial Property owners, and Investors.
Residential Real Estate Photography
The Photograph is almost always the first elements in any ad that connects with home buyers.
We take multiple angles of front/back exteriors and major rooms, setup several lights to exposure every room correctly, detailed attention to composition to capture the special features of every building structure and in post-production we compensate lights to lead viewer’s eye to the best element and features of every room and building structure, click for more...
Commercial Real Estate Photography
The term commercial property (also called commercial real estate, investment or income property) refers to buildings or land intended to generate a profit, either from capital gain or rental income.
Commercial property is the photographing of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects, they includes office buildings, industrial property, medical centers, hotels, malls, retail stores, farm land, multifamily housing buildings, warehouses, and garages. In many states, residential property containing more than a certain number of units qualifies as commercial property for borrowing and tax purposes.
Commercial Property Photographer, are usually skilled in the use of specialized techniques and equipment, controlling perspective, with an emphasis on vertical lines that are non-converging (parallel). A deep depth of field is usually employed so that both the foreground and background (to infinity) are in sharp focus.
Exterior and Interior
Exterior and interior photography use different approaches and techniques.
Exterior - Exterior photography usually takes advantage of available daylight, or if performed at night, uses ambient light from adjacent street, landscape lights, exterior building lights, moonlight and even twilight present in the sky in all but the darkest situations.
In many cases, the landscaping surrounding a building is important to the overall composition of a photograph, and even necessary to communicate the aesthetic harmony of a building and its environment. A commercial real estate photographer will often include flowers, trees, fountains or statues in the foreground of a composition, taking advantage of their ability to help lead the eye into the composition and to its main subject, the building.
Interior - Interior photography can also be performed with ambient light transmitted through windows and skylights, as well as interior lighting fixtures. Frequently though, commercial photographer will use supplemental lighting to improve the illumination with the building. Either electronic flash "strobes" or incandescent "hot lights" can be uses.
Commercial Property Category
Hotels, motels, resorts, public houses, restaurants, cafes, museum, tourist attractions, convention centers, sport facilities, schools, retail stores, shopping malls, shops, office building, serviced offices, industrial properties, office/warehouses, garages, distribution centers, medical center, hospital, nursing homes, multifamily housing buildings, as well as many more.